

Secretic is a secure and user-friendly pastebin application that prioritizes privacy and simplicity.

The goal of this repository is to showcase good Laravel development practices with a simple application.



The following features will be implemented soon:

Requesting features

Open a new issue to request a feature (or if you find a bug).

How to run Secretic locally?

I believe you already have Docker installed. If not, just do it on Mac, Windows or Linux.

Build the app image with the following command:

docker compose build --no-cache

This command might take a few minutes to complete.

When the build is finished, you can run the environment in background mode with:

docker compose up -d

We’ll now run composer install to install the application dependencies:

docker compose exec app composer install

Copy the environment settings:

docker compose exec app cp .env.local .env

Migrate DB & seed fake data with the artisan Laravel command-line tool:

docker compose exec app ./artisan migrate:fresh --seed

And open in your favorite browser. Happy using Secretic!

Can I trust a instance of Secretic not hosted by me?

No. Anyone could modify the functionality of Secretic to expose your secret key to the server. We recommend using a instance you host or trust.

How to run terminal inside container?

Just run:

docker exec -ti secretic-app bash


This is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.

GitHub release license codecov